
Advanced PRFM Old

Advanced PRFM Old

Advanced PRP-Selphyl PRFM

You long to look younger, but most options to keep the signs of aging away involve either surgery or an injectable. Use the power of your body’s healing factors with a platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM).

Advanced PRP-Selphyl PRFM is the next generation of PRP, and the Selphyl System is set up for rapid preparation of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM). The system is safe and ensures no contamination between red and white blood cells.

Selphyl PRFM is a closed system and converts PRP to PRFM by adding an accurate amount of calcium chloride dehydrate to PRP to trigger the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. The created fibrin is a 3-dimensional framework to maintain platelets at the injection site. In addition, the framework protects platelets so growth factors released can be sustained for an extended period.

PRFM is used to stimulate growth factors and microneedled back into your skin to stimulate your body to fight the signs of aging, heal the appearance of scars, and provide better hair rejuvenation treatments.

PRFM is similar to traditional PRP treatments and extracts platelet-rich plasma from your natural blood cells. However, the Selphyl System takes additional steps to filter out unnecessary red and white blood cell contamination to provide the best solutions. PRFM preserves the extracted platelets and helps maintain the release of growth factors for a more extended period. The result is exceptional treatments and outcomes.

Enhanced growth factors enhance the results of skin rejuvenation treatments, including SkinPen, microneedling, and dermal fillers. PRFM further complements skin treatments by boosting the results to improve lines, wrinkles, volume loss, scars and assist in many more skin treatments.

PRFM does more than stimulate improvement in skin quality. It lasts longer than conventional PRP and has an extended timeline to create and improve skin quality. PRFM facial treatments are also used to enhance facial contours to give you a youthful-looking appearance that looks completely natural.

If you are part of the 35 million men and 21 million women in the US who struggle with hair loss, PRFM for hair growth is an attractive benefit. There is little pain or unnatural outcomes with PRFM. Treatments stimulate hair regrowth without surgery or downtime.

It takes 30 minutes for treatment, and  PRFM begins working immediately. Once injected into the scalp, PRFM stimulates stem cell growth and naturally extends the hair growth cycle. Results of PRFM hair regrowth treatments are designed to provide long-lasting benefits. Many patients see improvements in hair growth a few months after treatment. Three treatment sessions offer maximum benefits, but results vary between patients.

PRFM Procedure


PRFM plasma facelift is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment that combines triggered cell renewal with dermal filler effect to achieve beautiful and natural-looking results, with minimal downtime.

PRFM Hair Restoration

PRFM hair restoration therapy is a safe and effective treatment to stop your hair from thinning and promoting new hair growth. PRFM treatment is convenient and effective for both men and women. PRFM utilized the power of your own plasma platelet growth factors to stimulate and heal hair follicles

Before/after PRFM (Hair Restoration)

hair (1)


PRFM takes the rejuvenating effects of PRP further. Platelets are naturally contained in your blood and play an essential part in your body’s healing process. In addition, platelets contain crucial growth elements that stimulate tissue repair.

There is a high concentration of valuable platelets in PRFM. The concentration makes the solution more effective and powerful than conventional PRP. PRFM also extends the cycle of repair and regrowth. It rejuvenates the skin by providing more volume and radiance and softens wrinkles and fine lines caused by aging.

PRFM causes no allergic reactions because the solution is derived from your blood cells, and there is no need for testing.

Scientific evidence backs up PRFM through studies out of Ohio State University, where scientists found the viability of the concentrated platelets in the fibrin solution. In addition, PRFM increased cell generation in wounds and improved the development of new blood vessels in injuries.

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