


Your skin suffers damage as you age. As a result, lack of collagen begins to cause the skin to lose volume and appear wrinkled and saggy. Collagen is proven to work as an incredible anti-aging agent, leaving you with a healthier and younger-looking appearance.

Sculptra is an injectable treatment that activates your skin’s natural regenerative process by replenishing lost collagen. This collagen-boosting treatment creates volume in sunken cheeks and smile lines and reduces wrinkles and facial sagging.

Sculptra® is the only FDA-approved PLLA-based cosmetic injectable that stimulates natural collagen production.



$1100 (per vial)

Stimulates collagen production to deliver natural-looking results



Stimulates collagen production to deliver natural-looking results


  • Target volume loss
  • Soften the look of wrinkles
  • Reversing facial sagging
  • Filling in deep lines
  • Enhance skin tone and texture
  • Improve skin health
  • Made with a natural, bio-compatible substance
  • Minimally invasive and non-surgical

Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid, which is a product of sugar cane. It is clinically proven to be safe for use in the human body as it is biodegradable. Sculptra creates an inflammatory response that triggers collagen production and thickens the skin for more youthful skin.

First, numbing cream and then an anesthetic is applied. The provider injects the filler beneath the skin, under the dermis and subcutis layer. The treatment session should last about 15 to 30 minutes.

Patients can resume normal activities immediately. It is advised for patients to stay out of the sun.

A Sculptra treatment course can involve up to 3 injection sessions over a few months.

It produces full results in three to six treatment sessions and lasts up to two years.

Sculptra is effective at treating smile lines, chin wrinkles, and wrinkles around the nose and mouth.

We look forward to helping you slow down the skin’s aging process and providing long-lasting, natural-looking results.

How Can We Help You

How Can We Help You



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