

PDO Thread : How Does it Improve the Skin | Diamond Advanced Aesthetics

Keeping your skin healthy and beautiful is one of the aesthetic goals that everyone wants to achieve. Of course, you would always want to have the best skin treatment for yourself. While there is broad coverage of therapies and surgeries available, PDO Thread Lift is one of the highly suggested remedies for matters involving anti-aging issues.

But how does it help in improving your skin in general? How does PDO Thread help you get that young and smooth skin back on track again? Discover more of this information below.

PDO Thread Lift

As we mature, the skin creates minimal elastin and collagen production in the body. For those who don’t have any idea, collagen and elastin are the fibers and proteins that your body needs to keep your skin tight and wrinkle-free. Among all treatments, PDO Thread Lift is the best procedure to try to achieve fresh and beautiful young-looking skin again.

To be a bit more specific, PDO Thread Lift is an anti-aging therapy authorized by the FDA to tighten loose skin effectively, safely, and non-invasively. The threads within this treatment include Polydioxanone or PDO threads that can be captivated by your skin securely. What’s even better about this treatment is that they stimulate neovascularization and collagen induction.

Treatment Expectation

Within the treatment, you can indeed feel no discomfort and pain throughout the process. There are instances where healthcare providers give some numb cream to the targeted area for maximum ease. Later on, the threads are inserted with cannulas that may be sharp, depending on your needs.

These cannulas go through several points of your skin, as it stabilizes the threads, tightening your skin. Subsequently, after it is placed, the extra lines are cut off.

Improving your Skin Through PDO Thread Lift

Given this specific information, what makes PDO Thread Lift an excellent treatment among others? How does it improve one’s skin and create a vibrant and fresh back again? Here are some things that you need to know about PDO Thread Lift.

Rejuvenates The Skin

First of the many advantages of PDO Thread Lift is all about rejuvenating and revitalizing your skin. Technically, a PDO thread lift tightens up your sagging skin and stimulates your appearance quickly. Thus, results will only occur over several months. But you can expect changes even after your session right away.

Meanwhile, during the process, your skin will be able to generate more elastin and collagen than it would like before. As you go through months, you’ll then acknowledge that the lines and wrinkles on your face have been eliminated.

Works Well With Anti-Aging Treatments

If you’re looking for something good that works with anti-aging remedies, then PDO Thread Lift is the one. So, if you are having a hard time from severe volume loss in your cheeks, you can try this treatment with some others for better improvement. There are also dermal fillers that work to correct other concerns about your skin.

Safe Procedure

Remember, the length and gauge of the threads used throughout the procedure will affect how long the absorption will take. Those longer and thicker threads can last for 12 months before your skin can fully accept them. Remember that an average person enjoys the lines that stay in the skin for six to eight months, and all results are guaranteed for the next three months.

Thus, results can only go up until 24 months once the skin has fully absorbed the thread. Alternatively stated, PDO thread lift can last until 36 months. In addition, this procedure has been known to become safe and effective. It can heal close wounds, suture incisions made during cosmetic therapies, resolve gynecological concerns, and much more. Over many years, there have been no allergic reactions with the toxin-free threads used in the procedure.

Immediate Result

Once done with the treatment, another advantage you can take is that it can provide immediate results. Unlike any other traditional operation, you can instantly see the changes made on your skin.

What’s more, your skin becomes even better as it produces collagen in connection with the micro-injuries experienced during the procedure. That means everything will continue to enhance over the two to three months! You can always ask or consult your doctor about any extra precautions you may need to take to have a long-lasting PDO Thread Lift treatment effect.

Highly Affordable

Lastly, PDO Thread Lift is not only good for the skin but your pockets as well. Treatment cost will always depend on some factors, including how many issues you need to correct. The type of threads and anesthetic injections will also matter on this point.

Either way, PDO Thread Lift will still be more affordable than the usual treatments like cheek augmentation or facelift. Considering that each of these procedures’ results fades over time, this non-invasive treatment is worth every penny of yours.

Why PDO Thread Lift?

With many advantages you can get from other treatments, why should you still choose PDO Thread lift? It’s all because of the great results that it can give you over time. Take note after taking the procedure; the collagen stimulates and improves your skin even after the first procedure.

Besides, PDO thread lift is non-surgical. That means there is no downtime or post-treatment that you need to take care of afterward. Though this kind of matter happens, you will still get fantastic results from these dissolvable sutures.

Also, PDO thread lift is good because of its main procedure and because it has been proven by celebrities and supermodels who undergo the process. If you’re familiar with Kendall Jenner, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gigi Hadid, then this would probably be the best sign for you to test the treatment on your own. These superstars have taken PDO thread lifts because of the minimum recovery time with excellent natural-looking appearance.

PDO Thread Lift is one of the best treatments to get what your skin deserves. Remember that the exact type of thread for your needs will only be persistent during your consultation with your doctor. So, it is essential to have a regular consultation with your provider to know the requirements you need, the type of skin you have, and your specific concerns.

For some unique cases, your physician might recommend combining multiple lengths, shapes, and sizes of the thread. Nonetheless, PDO thread lift helps you rejuvenate that skin and get that young, glowing, and fresh skin again.

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